This week, we are on vacation. Monday, Damian and I thought it would be a grand adventure to jump in the car and take a drive. We decided to drive to Chena River and do some hiking. The drive is a little over an hour long. It is a beautiful drive full of amazing scenery. Now, before we had children, we took long, meandering drives frequently. Just to explore. We had meaningful conversations and drank in the beauty that surrounded us. This drive was nothing like that. The music on this drive was verses of crying baby with a chorus of sibling rivalry! When we finally reached our destination everyone was joyful and relieved to be getting out of their confinement.
The river was lovely. We splashed in the freezing cold water, met a fisherman, hiked a trail, ate freshly picked raspberries, and saw five moose. When we arrived home that evening, I asked the boys if they had fun. With genuine smiles they emphatically replied, "YES!" Then I asked them what their favorite part was. To which Ethan replied, "Playing on the rock." What? We drove all that way and saw all these things and his favorite part was playing on a rock?! Then I remember, the world looks different through the eyes of my children. Anything can become an exciting and new experience if you use your imagination. And so, we are redefining adventure.
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