We recently borrowed the movie "Larry Boy and the Angry Eyebrows" from our library. If you haven't seen it, the basic message is that God wants us to let go of our anger. Unfortunately, the movie seems to have had the opposite effect on Caleb. He puts on his "angry eyebrows", crosses his arms and using his "mad voice" says, "I so angry!" I have to turn away every time because I can't help but laugh.
I have started using a kickboxing exercise video. It's very effective...if the boys aren't in the room. Let me paint you a picture of my workout this morning. Sweet Eliana is in her baby swing laughing at me every time I punch. I have Caleb on my left side and Ethan on my right. They are also working out. I was kicked in the leg, punched in the behind, and what happened when I sat on the floor to stretch? Ethan dramatically flopped into my lap claiming to be "so tired" and Caleb jumped on my back and yelled, "Horsey mommy!"
I was reminded today how truly blessed I am. I am a stay-at-home mommy. I get to be here for the funny expressions, and comical sayings, and all of the wonderful milestones my kids reach. Not every day is laughter and play. Some days are harder than I ever thought they could be. But I wouldn't trade this beautiful chaos for a second. They are my God given little miracles and my life would be much less rich without them. So today I am thanking and praising God for this awesome, sometimes scary, privilege and responsibility that is motherhood.
I LOVE the angry eyebrows!!! Those are just too funny. :) He is really going to love those pictures when he is older, looking back on how incredibly cute he was. :)