Recently life has been flying by at warp speed. I actually took a photo of my May calendar and sent it to a dear friend with the caption "Welcome to my crazy." I'm not complaining (well, mostly). This is the life we were called to, this is the life we have chosen. But sometimes one just needs to step back for a moment and simply breathe. This past weekend we were given the opportunity to do that. Imagine a cozy, adorable house with a large deck that sits right next to a lake. Imagine a blue heron swooping down to catch it's breakfast while you are sitting on the deck in your pajamas eating yours. Imagine quiet, except for those three little cuties you brought with you! This was our retreat. Now imagine it was all free (true!). We fished, ate s'mores, blew bubbles, played games, and visited the camp playground. We rested. We prayed. We were refreshed. The first night we were there Caleb got up complaining of an earache. Caleb has had multiple ear infections over the past eight months. We have been told he needs to have tubes put in and that he will probably need his tonsils and adenoids out. Our thoughts immediately went to the possibility of finding a nearby hospital or urgent care facility. The house we were in had a dedicated prayer room across the hall from where the kids were sleeping. Caleb went in, threw himself down on the altar and cried out, "Jesus I love you! I have faith! Please heal me! Amen!" I was standing in the doorway with tears streaming down my face as I watched this. Precious. Within ten minutes all of his pain was gone and he slept peacefully through the night. Our God is awesome. Our God is powerful. Our God cares.