It's a story that we've all heard. The little man vs. the big man. Nature vs. machine. Save the (fill in the blank)! Now the story is here, in North Pole. There is a grove of trees that has been slated to be cut down for firewood. This particular grove of trees also houses the headquarters of Club Racing Shadow Ninjas. The members of this club are the good guys. They are striving to save the grove of trees, and by doing so keep their club intact. I was priviledged to sit in on a planning meeting a few days ago. Agent Hawk (aka Scotty), Fairy Girl (Abby-the only girl allowed in the club), Agent Boogers (Ethan), Agent Rainbows (Caleb), and Cape Boy (Nathaniel) met under the hot sun for serious discussion. They came up with a battle plan. They will protect their club to the death, or dinner, whichever comes first. The plan was impressive. Trip wires, stick throwing, booger wiping, and traps. A valiant effort. The only question now is, who will win? Only time will tell.